OKclarity: Why all couples need premarital education with Penina Flug , LCSW, Featured Therapist

OKclarity: Effective Communication from Dating to Marriage Part 1 with Penina Flug, LCSW & Caryn Guttman, LMHC

Podcast: With All Your Heart — hosted by Chana Deutsch of Absolutely Feminine

Chana Deutsch of Absolutely Feminine
Words Unspoken

To the clients I see in my office everyday to try to bridge the gap between you. Everyday I reflect that if only so many words did not remain unspoken there would be so much less suffering. Here are the words that remain unspoken between couples and between parents and children every single minute of […]
Podcast: Headlines — Conflict in marriage – how to fight effectively

5/6/23 – Shiur 433
Podcast: Headlines — What’s Shana Rishona about?

5/6/23 – Shiur 418
Podcast: Preventing the Fight: A Deeper Conversation

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Why Premarital Education Is for Everyone — Jewish Link

By Penina Flug LCSW Rachel and Steven got married a few years ago in a beautiful reception on Long Island. They had been introduced by mutual friends and dated for six months. During their engagement, there were some concerns, but after speaking to confidants, they were reassured that it is totally normal to have cold […]
Podcast: The Secret to a Successful Marriage

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Mishpacha Magazine: CONNECTION WANTED

By Penina Flug LCSW with Shoshana Itzkowitz Behind every couple’s fight is a yearning to reconnect; how EFT can change their dance The world is a lot less intimidating when we have someone to count on. And if that person is our spouse,we can get through almost anything. As a LCSW, I believe most couples […]